Important Things to Consider While Choosing a Coworking Space

Working from home on the kitchen table? Distracted by unfinished chores or children underfoot? The dream of WFH is not always so sweet. A coworking space may be the answer. Many people consider Choosing a Coworking Space a dream come true to be able to do their jobs...

Tax Tips for Freelancers

There are a lot of great things about leaving behind the grind of full-time employment to go into business for yourself. Doing taxes isn’t one of them. Tax law, especially in the U.S., is a moving target that’s way more complicated than it ought to be. If you’re not a...

Parental Leave for Freelancers: Here’s What You Need to Know

Starting a family is stressful enough for the traditionally employed, but when freelancers become parents, a whole new set of anxieties is born. Most freelancers face parenthood without the same protections enjoyed by many regular workers, such as being able to take...