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Q&A With THRIVE | Suwanee Community Manager Phoebe Vaughn

Thrive Editorial

THRIVE | Suwanee Community Manager Phoebe Vaughn.

Written by Thrive Editorial

October 30, 2023

The heart and soul of THRIVE are our Community Managers — ringleaders and ringmasters rolled into one. They are here to rock your world, simplify your life, restore your faith in humanity, and basically make your THRIVE experience a bowl of cherries. Minus the pits. Take a moment to meet one of the family.

What’s your hometown?

My hometown is Cumming, Georgia. Although my family enjoyed moving a lot when I was younger, we settled in the best state on earth.

Dogs or cats?

The only right answer is dogs! I just got my first rescue last August and she is my pride and joy. Her name is Alani … yes, named after the energy drink LOL.

Who’s a good girl? Alani is!

Cake or pie or cookies?

If tiramisù is a cake, then cake … but that’s the only “cake” I will eat.

Most used app on your phone?

Weirdly enough, LinkedIn or the usual Instagram/TikTok.

Sunrise or Sunset?

Depends on when I wake up, but nine times out of 10 I will say sunset since I don’t like waking up early.

What’s your musical jam?

I LOVE Akon, whether it’s listening to him while working out or car rides with the girls, we will forever have that bumping.

What song do you want everyone to know?

I want everyone to know “Beautiful Girls” by Sean Kingston … it’s a must listen.

What’s your favorite neighborhood shop/restaurant?

My favorite neighborhood restaurant is Los Rios! You can seriously never go wrong with Mexican food.

Do you have a nickname?

My nicknames are Phoebs, Phoebster and Pheeble.

What’s your favorite comedy film?

Dumb and Dumber. You probably won’t want to sit next to me to watch it, though, because I have it memorized by heart.

Most prized possession?

My most prized possession is my Bible that I have had since I was younger — it is highlighted back to front and looks very much vintage now.

What’s your guilty pleasure?

Queso. Whenever I have had a crazy day it’s always my first resort.

Where’s your happy place?

My happy place is the gym! I love being in the gym community and lifting weights.

Whom do people say you look like?

People say I look like my aunt Courtney … but maybe it’s just the blonde hair 😉

Double take: Phoebe and her aunt Courtney.

What’s your motto or favorite saying?

“It’s a part of life.” I think this goes for just about anything and gets me through each day LOL.

What absolutely excites you right now?

Right now I am super excited to graduate college and start this full-time job here at THRIVE! I am so so so thankful.

What skills do you think it takes to be a great CM?

To be hospitable and social. To be a CM you have to be a friend to all and have a heart that is centered around people!

You wouldn’t know it to look at me, but …

I am a BIG foodie! I love trying new foods, new restaurants, and I can eat anything you put in front of me!

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